3 Simple Videos You Should Create to Promote Your Business




As a business owner, you’re probably constantly thinking about new methods to advertise your goods or services. Years ago, the government restricted advertising options. The owners purchased a broadcast, T.V., or printed advertisement. Many effective and good techniques, such as video marketing are now available.

If you’re a tiny firm, you may be unable to advertise the significant brand names that customers enjoy. However, the advent of online video makers in past years has made trust for businesses of all sizes much more accessible. And fortunately, the desire for video isn’t going away anytime soon.

What is the most acceptable method to start video marketing for a business person on a limited spending plan? The solution is relatively straightforward: start with the videos that will significantly influence your company.

Let’s look at the initial three videos your company should make right now.

1.    Tutorial video 

A tutorial video is any video that demonstrates how to do something, provides facts, demonstrates a subject, or explains how to do it to others. Tutorial video production isn’t just for instructional designers. Anyone in any field can make tutorial videos.

Here is how one can make fantastic tutorial videos and become an excellent video maker.

STEP 1: Determine your target audience and get to know them.

● Your tutorial video will be more concentrated and straightforward to prepare if you cover one topic per video. Begin by gathering demographic data such as education, age, and professional affiliations, and then think about their likes, worries, and aspirations.

STEP 2: Prepare a Script.

●  Create a plot and script to describe and illustrate what you aim to show after you have a subject and know who your market is. Making a storyline ahead of time will aid you in producing an online tutorial that is straightforward, precise, and engaging to your target audience.

  • After completing your plot, develop a script to go along with it. 

STEP 3: Record Audio Narration.

●  Now that you have your script, it’s time to record the voice. It would be best if you have a good quality microphone for this. Then, choose a peaceful location where you can record. Make sure you talk clearly and elaborately when you’re ready to record. You can go back and fix any errors when you’re through recording.

STEP 4: Record the Video Content.

●  Depending on the content of your lesson video, you may need to record a procedure on your screen, explain something like that in real life, or do both. 

STEP 5: Video Editing

●  Most people believe that making a nice-looking video necessitates being a skilled video editor but the reality is that you don’t need costly editing software or a great deal of expertise to get started alternatively you can use free online video editing websites. Start with the basics, but make sure your audio and video are in sync and there are no noticeable video cuts.

STEP 6: Video Intro

●  Use a video opener to draw people into your information but don’t go overboard. Keep your introduction short and sweet. Viewers are eager to get to the meat of your film. An excellent introduction clearly outlines the topic and what visitors can hope to learn.

2.    Product Showcasing Video

A product-displaying video exhibits the video maker’s product’s features and capabilities.

The things you need to follow while making such a video are as follows.

Story Making

●  The first point applies to all types of material, not just product videos. Continuously seek ways to use your video to tell a story. Even product teaser movies with little or no narration can do well; the key is to find the correct viewpoint and stick with it.

Be inventive with your visuals.

●  Making your product video appealing and intriguing requires some visual creativity. Look for unique ways to display your goods.

Create a spectacular vision.

●  Create some spectacular short and interesting vision videos using different high-quality filming objects.

Keep it Short and Crisp.

●  Keep your product show-off video as a short and crisp ad should be under a 30-90 seconds limit but could go up to a limit of 4/5 minutes.

3.    Analysis Video

An analysis video is a brief clip that effectively describes a company and its products, offering, or business concept.

The following is how to make your analysis video.

Make your video searchable by using keywords.

●  You can include more than a series of information about the video in your description. While you may have included keywords in your headline, it’s a good idea to repeat those in your reports to aid SEO.

Keep it short but informative.

●  People searching for videos aren’t usually interested in reading lengthy descriptions. You must keep it short and descriptive as an online video maker and let your video speak for itself.

References and citations

●  When users are acknowledged, they are more likely to share content. If you recognize those who assisted with the creation and growth of your film, they are far more inclined to share it, boosting the impact and engagement of your material.

Include timestamps.

●  You should include timestamps. If your clip is relatively long or you want to redirect your viewers’ interest, include time stamps in your description. Viewers will be more engaged with the video maker’s content, and you won’t be rejecting viewers who don’t have time to watch the entire video but are still interested in the topic.


●  Your video description is an excellent opportunity to include as many affiliate links to your sites as possible. Send your visitors to any sites linked to your video, whether it’s an item you’re marketing and promoting, your marketing content, or if you’re providing services, your website, or social media.

Also Read: Top 3 KPIs to Measure a Marketing Campaign


Business Video Marketing Video appears to be the way of the future in communication. Video marketing is a must-have tactic in your arsenal of online marketing weapons if you want to reach your target audience. As more businesses go digital, it will be more challenging to stand steadfast without a well-thought-out strategy. To increase the success of your video marketing campaign, include some expert characters in your videos who can provide the finest solutions to potential clients by knowing their difficulties. Start publishing videos on social media to increase your brand’s visibility and reach the correct audience. People here are looking for the appropriate solution to their problems, which you can provide them with, through your videos.


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